Man who ran cannabis house on Corby's Danesholme estate sent to jail

Klodi Sulku and the house in Dresden Close that he turned into a cannabis grow house. Image: Northants Police / National WorldKlodi Sulku and the house in Dresden Close that he turned into a cannabis grow house. Image: Northants Police / National World
Klodi Sulku and the house in Dresden Close that he turned into a cannabis grow house. Image: Northants Police / National World
Officers found 168 cannabis plants

A man who was caught growing cannabis in a Corby house has been jailed for 12 months.

Klodi Sulku was arrested following the raid in Dresden Close on February 9 this year.

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The 39-year-old pleaded guilty to production of cannabis at his first hearing at Northampton Crown Court earlier this week.

Northampton Crown CourtNorthampton Crown Court
Northampton Crown Court

The court heard how officers discovered 168 cannabis plants of varying age at the home, which was last bought by a local man at the end of 2023 for £200,000.

Appearing before Her Honour Judge Rebecca Crane, Sulku, of no fixed abode, was imprisoned for 12 months. The court also ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the plants and of a mobile phone connected with the crime.