Kettering flytipper caught out

The flytipped waste.The flytipped waste.
The flytipped waste.
They've been given a fixed penalty notice

A flytipper who dumped cardboard and a vehicle logbook on a rural road near Kettering has been hit with a penalty notice.

The flytipper - who has not been named by Kettering Council - was caught out after the waste was left along Warkton Lane on October 26.

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Council wardens investigated and identified the person responsible, handing them a £300 fixed penalty notice.

It was reduced to £200 as it was paid within ten days.

The council has warned people it will not tolerate any flytipping and patrols will take place to monitor the area.

Shirley Plenderleith, head of public services at Kettering Council, said: “Flytipping not only blights neighbourhoods but costs time and money to remove it - resources that would be better spent elsewhere.

"Kettering Council takes flytipping offences very seriously and will prosecute offenders where possible.

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"I would urge anyone who spots flytippers to report it to the council on 01536 410333 or online at"

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